Top 5 Mindfulness Ted Talks
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
Andy Puddicombe, co-founder of Headspace, gives an engaging and relatable talk on his journey with mindfulness and why it is so essential for our increasingly busy lives.
Paying Attention & Mindfulness
Sam Chase explores what it means to be truly mindful, presents the most notable (and shocking) research and offers ways to incorporate mindfulness into our everyday.
Mindfulness at Work: A Superpower to Boost Productivity and Well-Being
Focusing specifically on stressors in the modern workplace, Shanel Munger shares reasons on why mindfulness has become the “Superpower of the 21st century” and how simple techniques can give you a competitive advantage.
Don’t Try to Be Mindful
Daron Larson gives a relatable talk on the myth of doing mindfulness the “right way,” his own journey to mindfulness and how regularly noticing ordinary events can transform how you navigate life.